Here are a couple of pieces I finished this past week. Of course I forgot to take "before" pictures of both, sorry!!
This cabinet is headed to San Francisco with my cousin, who is attending San Francisco State this fall. She needed an "Small" Entertainment Center. I actually found this cabinet on the side of the road with a "FREE" sign on it when I was heading out to her house. It was actually 2 cabinets put together with a long top holding the 2 together. My husband pulled off the top and cut it down and then put molding around the edge. I sanded, painted, distressed and then clear coated.

I sprayed the inside of the doors silver then decoupaged the paper and flowers on it to give the cabinet some fun details.

These chairs I found on the side of the road during neighborhood junk pick-up. Imagine them an ugly shade of gold/yellow and even uglier gold fabric seat.
With a little paint the turned out quite cute!
They will be for sale at the Maker's Market in September.
This cabinet is headed to San Francisco with my cousin, who is attending San Francisco State this fall. She needed an "Small" Entertainment Center. I actually found this cabinet on the side of the road with a "FREE" sign on it when I was heading out to her house. It was actually 2 cabinets put together with a long top holding the 2 together. My husband pulled off the top and cut it down and then put molding around the edge. I sanded, painted, distressed and then clear coated.
I sprayed the inside of the doors silver then decoupaged the paper and flowers on it to give the cabinet some fun details.
With a little paint the turned out quite cute!
They will be for sale at the Maker's Market in September.