I love looking through the Pottery Barn Kids catalog for Inspiration...
but so does my 3 year old Daughter.
And she doesn't look for inspirations she looks for WANTS.
One day she saw this high chair and WANTED it so badly....
but at $59.00 I told her "Maybe dad can make one for you!"
Well he lucked out because on one of my "Junking Adventures" I found this...
Someone had thrown out this vintage highchair.
And though it looks perfect and cute as is, what you don't see is it had been sitting outside in the rain and there was mold growing underneath the seat...gross...gross.
It also had a missing dowel rod on one of the legs. So Dad only had to fix that which took a couple minutes and about 99 cents for a replacement dowel.
After some scrubbing, bleach and Kilz primer here is the finished high chair.
Of course my daughter wanted it pink!
She is as girly as a girl can be!!

OHHHHHH!!! so cute.
that looks awesome!!!! soo stinking cute!