
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

*Holly Paints*

I was able to hit an estate sale last month that had this bedroom set for sale. It is solid wood and in great condition so I couldn't pass it up.

I had wanted to paint it white and distress but because it was already a white color I knew the distressing wouldn't show up.  So I decided that a color was the only way to go.  I mixed my own light turquoise paint and got to work.   I then painted the top a pearl white.  I stained the whole piece to age it a little.  It turned out to be a  really beautiful set. 

Primitive and Proper

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

*Holly Paint*

My brother, who is a handyman, was given this dresser by a client. He called me and asked if I wanted. Of course I wanted it...I always want old furniture!!  

 I really liked the simplicity and size of the dresser.  Though take a look at the knobs....I think 80's Puff Paints were used on them...not sure exactly what that design is??  Maybe a tulip, rose, or just plain scribble!!

I started by painting the dresser a Seafoam Green and then decided it needed a graphic.  My best friend and I were talking about different room themes and she mentioned she liked beach cruisers and thought that it would be cute for a kids room.  That got my mind thinking and I came up with this idea to paint on the dresser.  
I penciled in the bike using the knob as the center for the wheel.   Then I painted over the pencil with a charcoal gray paint.  

For the "Enjoy the Ride" I used this tutorial from That's My Letter.  She is really amazing when it comes to wood crafts.

  I went over the whole piece with 220 grit sandpaper to age it and make it look more vintage. 
  I really enjoyed the whole process it was a nice change from the usual pieces that I do!

Primitive and Proper

Thursday, November 1, 2012

*Holly Paint*

Found this set via Craigslist...the guy that was selling this set was a real Doozy with an Attitude. But I got a great deal so it was totally worth putting up with his moodiness.

 Oh, the things I will do to get a good French Provincial set!! 

I sold the dresser to a client but, of course, I forgot to take a picture of it after it was done. 

 But here are the nightstands all fixed up and ready for someones home. Painted pearl white and distressed the perfect combination.

The drawers are lined with a cute wallpaper.