
Sunday, November 27, 2011

*Holly Paint*

I found this dresser at a garage sale this summer and 
just loved the curved drawers and keyhole locks.
It is a solid well-made piece that just needed a little personality.

I painted it a antique off-white, stained the top and put on new knobs. 

The knobs are from Hobby Lobby.  Hobby Lobby just opened in our area and I'm super excited!!  I have been so jealous of the cute knobs that everyone gets I can get them too (with a 40 minute drive, but so worth it!)!


  1. OMG. I used to live in Denver - 18 years ago, and I'm always telling my kids how GREAT hobby lobby was. Thanks for the great news, I'm going there first thing! OH how exciting!

  2. This turned out lovely. Your knobs are so cute! I live about 30 min. north of the american border, in canada, and whenever we go to the states, hobby lobby is usually on our list!

  3. oh that is beautiful! those knobs were SPOT on the best choice for that dresser- awesome!
