
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Makers' Market 2011

Well, it has been awhile since I posted but that is due to preparing for this...

My friend and I put this Market on on the last Sunday of September, we had 15 vendors this year, a live band, raffle fundraiser and food.  It was a great day and a huge success!
Here are a few pictures of my booth.
This yellow table sold!

Trick or Treat Bags
(Oh..if you are interested in the quilts in the background, those are my aunts and her friends..send me an e-mail and I can get you connected with her!)
Wooden Doll Beds made by my husband.  I paint them and make the bedding.

The Strawberry Doll Bed sold!

Crayon Rolls...these are a huge hit with all the moms!  The white/turquoise table sold!

A few of my furniture pieces & chalkboards...quite a bit of those sold too!

I also set up the event so here are a few pictures of the things I made.
My mom made the flag cute!

Chalkboard made from an old headboard.
It was a great day...already looking forward to next year!