
Thursday, December 23, 2010

*Holly Happy*

WOW...Christmas came early for me.

I was featured on Better After!!!
Only one of the BEST blogs around.


Go over and check it out...I dare'll be hooked!

Friday, December 17, 2010

*Holly Paint*

 Found this cabinet at a garage sale this summer, of course I forgot to take a before picture of it so you will have to imagine it with peeling green paint. Though the green paint was a perfect vintage color so I did pull a color swatch off of it for a future project!!

With a little pink and white paint, some distressing and the addition of birch branch handles it turned out really cute.  It like bringing a little of the outdoors in!

This cabinet would be perfect in a little girl's room, bathroom or craft room.


I lined the shelves with some cute wrapping paper.

Furniture Feature Fridays

Thursday, December 9, 2010

*Holly Paint*

Found this Magazine Rack on the side of the road in someone's garbage pile.
(Actually my husband "eyed" it, he is getting really good at junk finding!). 

I had a hard time deciding what color to paint it so I went with something that would make it pop!

I think this turquoise did the trick, makes it stand out.  Though after I painted it I realized that it has a "gypsy lamp" carved in the front. 
Wish I needed a Magazine Rack I would keep it for myself!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

*Holly Paint*

I found this side table at a garage sale this summer, dark wood with partial scraped off white paint, overall very tacky and need of a makeover.
But I loved the legs on the table.

I brought it home and then tackled it with my paintbrush to give it a makeover it craved!! 

So cute and perfect for a entryway or nightstand or accent table or telephone table...
oh so many ideas!!!


The top is painted a creamy off white and I lightly dry brushed the turquoise over it and then removed it with a rag so it is seen in the grain of the wood. 

Photobucket The DIY Show OffSumo's Sweet Stuff

Saturday, November 20, 2010

*Holly Paint*

 Found this piece in a junk pile during my "trash rounds."  Though it looked pitiful I remained positive and  thought it still look like it had some life left in it.   I took it home, removed the top piece sanded, painted and then went to work with a Dremmel....

 And here it is all Prettied-Up!!  Love what can be done with a Dremmel, my new favorite Tool.  It is the perfect Coffee Table for a small living space.

Found this side table at a garage sale and just couldn't pass it up, I LOVED the lines especially on the doors.

 With some paint and new handles, it came out Perfect. 
Lined the drawer and painted the inside a pretty shade of Blue...Cute...Cute...Cute.

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special
PhotobucketA Little Knick Knack

Thursday, November 4, 2010

*Holly Paint*

 So...I know I haven't posted any furniture for awhile but that doesn't mean my garage isn't full of unfinished projects.

Luckily today I completed this little nightstand.  I found it in a junk pile and just loved the details.  The wood was peeling with a little love and attention it turned into this....

 Isn't it gorgeous!!  It was meant to be rescued and love.  I wish I had room for it in my home...but I'm sure someone out there will take great care of it.

This is the first time I lined a drawer and now will be lining all my drawers...super cute!!
Honestly, there is not blotches on the nightstand that is from my poor pitiful camera!!

This vanity belongs to my friend who has had it since a teen and now is going in her 12 year old daughters room.   It has definitely seen better days but with a lot of sanding and a few coats of primer, the white paint made the vanity look amazing.   

Here it is in her bedroom.  Her daughter wanted to paint it purple but mom said no (good choice) so we put purple knobs on it which can easily be changed later.  My friend didn't want it "distressed" you know how hard it was to not take sandpaper to this thing. Oh well, it still is adorable.  And when I dropped it off her husband thanked me for fixing and told me he was going to throw it away...I guess he didn't know what he had!!

Chic on a Shoestring DecoratingFurniture Feature Fridays
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Friday, October 29, 2010

*Holly Happy*

A BIG THANK YOU to Jen over at Vintage Sheets who posted my 
If you are a lover of Vintage Sheets go check out her blog...lots of amazing ideas.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

*Holly Sew*

 So, I finally decided to write a tutorial, Let's see how this goes!!!

Remember these Vintage pillowcase aprons I made awhile back...well here is how to make one like the turquoise gingham one.

Vintage Pillowcase Apron
1 Standard size Vintage Pillowcase
1/2 yard coordinating fabric (sometimes I use another coordinating pillowcase)
2 buttons

Fold pillowcase in half lengthwise, cut 17 1/2 inches from opening of pillowcase - this is the bottom piece of the apron.

With remaining top part of pillowcase cut apron top.   It will already be 12 1/2 " long so you will only cut the width to be 12".

With remaining pillow case scrap cut neck strap 3 1/2 x 21".

Apron tie: 3"x21" Cut 3 (oops, I only showed 2 cuts, sorry, but this is my 1st time, so I'm allowed a few mistakes..right??)
 Now for the construction of the apron....

Apron Bottom:  fold under raw edge about 1/2" and press.

 Apron Top:  With wrong sides together sew 12 1/2 inch raw edge together, turn right sides out and press.
 Apron ties:  Cut one strip of the apron tie material to the width + 1/2" of the bottom part of apron. I usually just hold the material up to the width of the apron and then cut because some pillowcases are different sizes so this allows for an accurate cut. 
Sew the other 2 apron tie pieces to each edge of the waist tie.

 Press raw edges of apron ties under about 1/2" on all sides. Then fold tie in half and press. Don't sew the apron tie will do this when you attach it to the apron.

 Neck strap:  Fold in half lengthwise, press, fold end edges under 1/4" press, then fold each lengthwise edge under to meet half fold, press, then fold in half and press.  Confused??? Look at next picture for details. 

 Hope these detail help!!  Sew raw edges of neck strap together.
Eew, don't look at my gross ironing board cover.
Next on my to-do list...Wash ironing board cover.
 Find center of apron bottom and top.  Open up apron bottom and place apron top inside matching the center points.  Pin.  So....the apron top should be sandwiched between the apron bottom. Now sew together.
 Pin the apron tie to waistline.Now sew the apron tie to the apron and sew all the edges together.
 Fold down apron top about 1 1/2 " and sew neck strap evenly to each side.
 Choose buttons and sew them on....
 Now go be cute in the kitchen and bake some cupcakes!!!

 I made two of the pink gingham aprons and this orange/gray flower one for my friends....super cute!!!

The DIY Show Off
Photobucket UndertheTableandDreaming

mmm button

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